Somebody Help Me (2007 Video)
Somebody Help Me....With The Ending!!!
15 November 2007
I Just got a screener of the DVD 'Somebody Help Me'...After reading mixed reviews - a lot of pretty good ones mind, I was quite looking forward to seeing it. The story seemed pretty familiar, five couples go to a cabin in the woods, slasher killer around picking them off one by know the rest!!! But as soon as the film was on I thought it was pretty good. The acting was quite good, above average for a DTV film, and the setting was really good I thought. They chucked in the obvious 'IT COULD BE'S' like all these films do, but this had a kind of supernatural twist to it too, which never really materialised into anything.

But it had a kind of 'SAW' feel to it too. I don't want to spoil things too much!!!

Also it did have some nice gore effects, (I'm a massive gorehound) although not a gorefest by any stretch of the imagination. This for me was heading for a strong 7/10 - the ending was "Oh, is that it...", it left me totally unsatisfied and kind of cheated in a way as it just did'nt explain what I had just seen for the last hour and a half.

Massive let down for us - maybe somebody may be able to help me out! -I just did'nt get it. 5/10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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