Review of Damage

Angel: Damage (2004)
Season 5, Episode 11
A Sunnydale Surprise
25 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
To understand this episode, you really need to see season seven of BTVS. The idea of countless new slayers roaming the globe comes directly from the final episode, "Chosen" and if you haven't seen it, "Damage" could be confusing. If you have seen it, it's easy to appreciate the way "Angel" deals with the fall out of Buffy's plan to awaken all the potential slayers in the world. Over on BTVS, it seemed like such a great, simple idea. On "Angel," where story lines tend to be murkier, Buffy's actions have some unexpected and tragic results. Anyway, this is a good episode and you really shouldn't skip it if you're watching the season, as it ties in with an important reveal in "You're Welcome."

Basically, "Damage" revolves around a deranged vampire slayer named Dana. Like I said, over on BTVS, Buffy woke up all the potential slayer's in the world to help her fight this massive battle with the First Evil. Unfortunately, there were some slayers who probably SHOULDN'T have super powers. For instance, crazy ones, like Dana. See, she was kidnapped & tortured as a kid and has spent the time since in an institution. Now, with her slayer talents going full blast, she breaks out and goes on a rampage through LA. Spike and Angel try to stop her with a little help from Giles' "Top Man," Andrew. (Who was a recurring character on seasons 6 and 7 of BTVS, notable for his sci-fi fanboy-ness; his desperation to belong, which had often tragic results; and for his hero worship of an annoyed, but generally tolerant, Spike.) Andrew arrives on the scene to offer his "expert" advise, taste pennies, urge Spike to call Buffy and show everyone how he's 82% more manly than before.

Spike ignores Angel's orders to stay away from Dana. What he doesn't realize is that Dana has the memories of the two slayers Spike killed in her head and she confusing him with the man who kidnapped her. Spike tracks her down to a warehouse and tries to reason with her, but Dana drugs him and hacks off his hands. Angel gets there just in time to stop her from staking Spike. While Fred takes Spike to the hospital to have his hands reattached, Andrew tells Angel that Dana is a slayer and Wolfram & Hart can't have her. Along with a bunch of other slayers, her takes Dana away, saying that no one trusts Angel anymore, not even Buffy. Angel winds up at the hospital, where he and Spike have a rare moment of actual bonding as they talk about the past.

There are some great parts to this episode. I like the crossword puzzle the nurse is working on at the beginning. Q: "An eight letter word that means mellifluous noise." A: "Harmony." Also, Spike and Andrew are just so cute together that I end up smiling through all their scenes. And when Angel accidentally says "Vam-Pyre" exactly like Andrew always does, it just cracks me up. Also, the scene of the real estate lady, Lorne, Angel and the physic in Dana's old house is just great. She starts talking about the hard wood floors and the physic breaks in with with the encouraging news that the walls scream with blood. I laugh every time. Finally, the last scene of Spike and Angel in the hospital is really beautiful. Angel explains that Dana isn't a monster, but an innocent victim. Spike's sad reply, "So were we once" just blows me away. I can't think of another scene in the Buffyverse that deals with the grey, shifting nature of good and evil so well and it only takes four words.

Interestingly, this is the first episode where Spike aligns himself with Team Angel over the Scoobies. At the end of "Damage," Andrew insists that no one trusts Angel anymore. . . Not even Buffy. Yet, through out the episode, Andrew hung around with Spike and even volunteered to tell the Scoobie gang that Spike was alive. (Or un-dead, at least.) It seems obvious that while Team Angel has been labeled Black Hats by the Sunnydale Alums, Spike could still have a place within the Slayers ranks. He wouldn't even have to muster the courage to call Buffy. All he had to do was join up with Andrew and he could finally leave LA. Instead the episode ends with Angel explaining to Spike that Andrew had taken Dana away. Spike replies, "He double-crossed us?", which instantly sums up his new allegiances. With the word "us," Spike places himself with Angel over Andrew and the Slayers. Spike, apparently automatically, sees himself as part of Team Angel now, even if he doesn't work for Wolfram & Hart. LA is his new home and they're his new "family," whether he likes it or not.

On the down side, I still get annoyed when Andrew and the Slayers start mouthing off to Angel. I love Andrew, but I love Angel WAY more, so I just want to hit the kid in that scene. Also, the first time I saw this episode, I was deeply traumatized by the idea that they were going to make Spike Dana's kidnapper and I'm still not over it.

My favorite part of the episode: Andrew's weeping, hugging, "Lord of the Rings" quoting reaction to discovering that Spike's alive. He's so sappily happy and Spike's so embarrassed that I just have to laugh.
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