This show misses the boat
12 September 2007
People who want to watch soft porn (read: men) are going to be annoyed by the arguing especially when it short circuits an otherwise hot sex scene. The people who like watching dramas about relationship problems (read: women) are going to be turned off by the graphic nature of the sex. The people who like to watch old people having sex (read: no one) are going to love some parts.

The show does exhibit a high level of realism in the sex scenes and the dialogue and obviously has good writers. The arguments seem to flow naturally and you can see how they evolve into pettiness or futility or resolution. However I've had these arguments and derive no voyeuristic thrill from watching someone else have them except to fleetingly admire the writers' craft as I change the channel.

Add to all of this the most unrealistic and smug characters - the therapist and her husband - and I feel as if I'll gain no insights by watching the couples resolve their issues through therapy. Perhaps the writers are too young to write an older couple as realistically, but it is jarring to cut to them after watching an otherwise meticulously realistic show.
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