Droopy, The Family Man
20 June 2007
"It's the law of the west." That's the theme for this one, but first:

Droopy with a family? A wife and a little baby? Yup, that's the shocker here was we begin with another western saga.

Droopy's out in the great Southwest again with Monument Valley-type scenery We see the wagon train traveling over the tough terrain with little Droopy riding out front with his little pony. He stops to tell us in his deadpan voice, "You know what, folks? I am the hero." He's also called "pa" a couple of seconds later when the Misses, holding a baby dog, asks him to do something. Yes, and the wife is called "Ma" by our dog.

Anyway, some of things I enjoyed in this cartoon were the "Custer's Last Stand" gag; Droopy's method of crossing wide rivers; the prefabricated homestead and "stretch-o-matic fence;" the name "Dishonest Dan, the cattle man;" and a few things that happened to Dan when Droopy was shooting at him! There are lots of other good jokes in here, too. I only mention a few.

All in all, a typical Droopy cartoon which means a lot of humor, great sight gags and an enjoyable seven minutes by one of the all-time greats of animation: Tex Avery.
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