Review of Lightspeed

Lightspeed (2006 TV Movie)
Horrible movie
22 May 2007
Stan Lee owes me 90 minutes of my life back. It's a simple story: two men are both changed by experiments and science gone bad. one becomes a snake man and the other develops super speed and a heart problem. Whacky high-jinx ensue.

Here are the problems with the movie:

1) Plot is horrible. The writers borrow plot points directly from Spiderman and The Flash.

2) The acting is even worse, but it's not all the actor's fault: dialogue is laughable. Nicole Eggert and Lee Majors are both in this movie, nuff said.

3) The directing is just bad. There are scenes where a person is talking and the shot does not have their mouth in it, just their forehead and nose, then the camera zooms out and re-frames.

4) There is nothing special about those special effects. The main character wears a ski suite as a costume.

All and all this movie looks and feels much cheaper and cheesier than a made for TV movie (that's saying a lot). It's pretty much like someone bought a camcorder and filmed it on weekends with their buddies.
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