Final Examination (2003 Video)
If you're after soft-core porn for your own sake just go watch some soft-core porn.
6 March 2007
This god-awful turkey is one of those flaccid b-movies which is half b-thriller and half soft-core pornography. Fans of neither will be satisfied. The thriller material seems like filler quickly thrown together to pad out the time between the skin scenes and those scenes seem like filler put in fill time in between the thriller movie scenes. The porn bits I can't imagine would be particularly satisfying to even the most undiscerning watcher of soft-core material. Basically, lots of plastic bimbos and dudes grinding away in a mechanical and decidedly un-erotic fashion at irregular intervals. Actually, pretty much the entire film seems like filler material in terms of execution and development.

The fact lead actress Kari Wuhrer is in the position of the actress considered respectable enough to not have at least one gratuitous boob shot is indicative of the quality of the film given her oeuvre and work ethic. Pretty much everything about this movie is bad and every scene incompetently staged in terms of script, direction, acting and editing. It would take more time than it's worth to list and describe every inadequacy present in Final Examination. Obviously this isn't a subgenre that sets high standards, really only existing to provide a few cheap thrills and some T&A but this movie, and most others like it are just painful to watch, failing to provide any real entertainment on any level, even in providing those simple elements. The only bits that work on a so bad it's almost entertaining level are the car chases, which are quite obviously mostly footage from another far higher budget movie clumsily spliced with shots of characters from the movie we're watching. What makes these particular scenes even dumber is how little they have to do with the rest of the movie- both chases are possibly even more gratuitous than the numerous sex scenes. The tone and amount of in jokiness is indicative that the movie is not meant to be taken seriously and only meant to be a bit of fun but the problem is that it isn't. The inclusion of character called 'Hugh Janus' and the way the movie clumsily brings attention to this lame and rather childish joke is indicative of the level of script there is here. Avoid this movie.
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