Review of Damage

Angel: Damage (2004)
Season 5, Episode 11
This Angel episode is rooted deeply in Buffyverse...the story of a rogue Slayer.
18 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Having originally rejected viewing the unique and very well written BtVPS series, based solely on its title...a phenom now known as "The Buffy Syndrome"...many pertinent references in Angel episodes, and this one in particular, went right over my head upon the first viewing.

And yet "Damage" is still a great stand-alone episode; it continues to advance the season's overall arc of conflict between Angel & Co. corporate efforts and Spike's lone wolf attitude. The storyline has cohesion, and credibility in the Whedon realm. Scenes of Dana's torturous past I found a bit dark and disturbing to watch, but the flashbacks are well done and the sepia tones used to delineate it from time present was an added interest.

Upon a second viewing of this epi (after having DVD-marathoned through 7 seasons of Buffy), I found it even more interesting, reveling in layers of meanings not noticed before. It was also now apparent to me that the rogue slayer storyline concept was not new: Dana's character mirrors Faith, Sunnydale's bad girl (and alter ego of good girl Buffy); a rogue slayer who ended up in an institution after embracing the dark side.

There were other revelations now that I have some BtVPS back-story: Spike's character took on greater nuances. Andrew was an unknown character during my first viewing; the second time around I understood better his rather emotional reaction upon seeing Spike. The slayer history lesson also made more sense, especially where Dana's violent behavior was concerned.

Other significant references:

Andrew's accounting of Sunnydale characters (Buffy, willow, Kennedy, Xander, Dawn) take on greater meaning for those familiar with the ending of the BtVPS series. And Andrew putting a dirty penny in his mouth to test Spike's statement that the scent of blood was like tasting a coin was so in line with the geek's hero worship developed in BtVPS!

Spikes comment "Sorry, love...I don't speak Chinese" was exactly the one he made to the slayer dying in his arms during the Boxer Rebellion. "I used to date a girl who wasn't all there": a direct reference to Drusilla, his vampire lover for a century. Also, Spike quickly reacted Dana's statement, "I have to get home to my son, my Robin" knowing she spoke of Robin Wood, the son of the NY slayer Spike killed in the 1977, and who in S7 of BtVPS, almost beat Spike to death in revenge.

The scene in which Andrew demands to take custody of Dana is a repeat of a similar scene in BtVPS when the Watcher's demand their rogue slayer, Faith, be turned over to them. "She's a slayer. That means she's ours..." The true significance of the crowd of young girls appearing to back Andrew in his demand for Dana can be lost on those who didn't watch the development of the Potentials in the last episode of BtVPS. Certainly *I* didn't understand why Angel & Co backed down so readily in front of a bunch of young girls! Now I get it...

All in all an episode worthy of viewing a second time! Or maybe a third... :)
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