Review of Incubus

Incubus (2006)
On a scale of 1 to 10? It SUCKED
17 February 2007
It's a standard premise--people get into an accident in the middle of nowhere, look around, discover something they should have left alone, and murder and mayhem ensure.

Done right, you get the likes of Alien or the Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

But when the formula is implemented by ten spastic monkeys banging away at some typewriters, the result is Incubus.

Make no mistake: There will be a special place in Hell reserved for all who had anything to do with this piece of trash being made. This movie had not a single redeeming feature about it--bad acting, bad direction, and I could have eaten ten horror scripts, thrown up, and pieced together a script based on how the different chunks of partially digested script landed on the floor, and it *still* would have been more coherent than this.

You have been duly warned.
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