Review of Sextette

Sextette (1977)
Go EAST Young Man
3 February 2007
Okay, so I'm a big movie buff & I just HAD to say I've seen this movie at least ONCE! Unfortunately, once was certainly more than enough.

Really bad movie here with not even enough 'kitsch' or 'camp' to make it worthwhile.

While the movie is certainly presented tongue in cheek, it still relies to heavily on the idea that Mae West at 85 is somehow still a desirable sexy vamp.

Sorry but it just don't wash! Adding insult to injury is the fact that again, at 85, Mae West delivers all her lines in basically the same delivery: basically a parody of her earlier self.

So in many respects the movie comes off as rather gruesome.

If it had gone more over the top, PERHAPS it might have at least achieved some sort of John Waters sensibility.

As it is, it plays like one long boring Love Boat episode.

Really there is nothing in this movie that merits anyone wasting their time in viewing it.

So viewers beware, unless you're some crazy movie fan, who feels the need to cross a movie off his 'never seen list' (like me!!!) than do yourself a favor and skip it.

Instead watch Ms. West's films from the 30s. They're actually not all that bad.

Don't say you haven't been warned!
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