Red to Kill (1994)
Wicked Entertainment! Another Cat III Masterpiece of Edgy Entertainment...
2 February 2007
Billy Tang's 'Yeuk Saat' ('Red To Kill') is a wicked little gem. This film occupies a very disturbing, but thoroughly entertaining realm. I went into this film with high expectations. Needless to say, I was not let down in the least. They just don't make films like this in North America or Europe. 'Red To Kill' pushes the limits of acceptability brilliantly, and will no doubt leave even jaded viewers surprised and entertained...

Ben Ng's portrayal of a psychopathic rapist who falls in love with a retarded girl whom he had raped is amazing. There is just something about the main antagonist is these Cat III films (I am thinking of Mr. Ng & Anthony Wong) that borders on frightening. The level of mania, and the exuberance which with these fine actors execute scene after scene with obvious psychotic glee is spellbinding. Me and my girlfriend were blown away by how unbelievably psychotic and deranged Ben Ng was in this gem. He easily rivals Anthony Wong (from 'The Untold Story' and 'Ebola Syndrome') for cinema's most wicked and insane psychopath...

If you are familiar with Cat III films, you know what to expect- over-the-top violence and wicked rape scenes unflinchingly caught by the lens. I have witnessed many of these films in the past 6 months, and this is one of the better ones...

Some may take issue with the fact that the majority of this film takes place in a home for the retarded. To me, that made the film all the more entertaining. Perhaps if I believed in hell, I would go there; but damn, I sure got some cheap laughs out of this film. The retarded actors and actresses were highly amusing. Me and my girlfriend couldn't help from laughing out loud at numerous scenes...

At the same time, there were some very touching elements to this film. The scene after Ming-Ming (Lily Chung) got raped, when her fellow institution mates were crying and giving her gifts nearly brought a tear to my eye- it was incredibly touching (for real, I am not being facetious)...

I realize I haven't covered too many plot details in this little review/comment. You will have to watch this amazing and unforgettable film yourself if you want to know what happens. If you are a fan of extreme cinema (specifically Cat III films), you will very likely love this movie. From a cinema-obsessive who seeks out edgy entertainment, 'Red To Kill' comes highly recommended...
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