High times on a low budget
24 January 2007
I recently saw this at the 2007 Palm Springs International Film Festival and I don't know how it's possible to take a $30,000 budget and a two week film shoot and come up with a picture that's 10 times better than many costing 100 times the budget and 10 times the shoot time but Monkey Warfare is evidence that it is. Director/writer Reginald Harkema is obviously a talented filmmaker but he must also be a hypnotist to get this accomplish cast and crew to work for next to nothing. The film's title comes from a chapter in counter-culture Icon Abbie Hoffman's 1971 autobiography Steal This Book but the story of the film is about a couple who are eking out a living by hitting garage sales and dumpster diving but using their skills of discovery and knowledge of antiques to turn a profit by selling their items on the internet. They live an underground existence with a fixed rent and have a past to run from. They're relationship as boyfriend-girlfriend has become Platonic over the years but a younger girl who deals in top grade marijuana comes into their lives and a chain of events unfolds that will alter the lives of all three. Actor/writer.director/producer Don McKellar is Dan, actress Tracy Wright is Linda and actress Nadia Litz is Susan. All three have multi-credited careers. Harkema, who has come to directing through being an editor does not edit this film as Kathy Weinkauf is editor here. Jonathan cliff is the film's cinematographer. This is an imaginative film with lot's of character development, a good script and story and lot's of smart comedy. I would give this an 8.0 out of 10 and recommend it.
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