Review of Deaden

Deaden (2006)
"vengeance is served on a platter along with your balls"
18 January 2007
I dig action flicks, and Deaden is an ACTION flick that doesn't pull any punches, in fact it starts kicking your ass from the opening frame. Writer/actor John Fallon and his partner in crime director Christian Viel have created a film that remembers what it's like to have an old fashioned bloody good time at the movies. Combining the things I loved about the Death Wish, early Chuck Norris, and Dirty Harry flicks with a little Cobra thrown into the mix. The only thing missing was a bad ass car, but they had a bad ass bike so I guess they knew what they were doing. The tag line for the flick is "If you stop feeling pain, you can start using it", and the lead character Rane (Fallon) takes those words seriously. On a pain killer and cocaine infused rampage he seeks out those that have wronged him, and using some of the most inventive kills to ever grace the silver screen kills them. Now as fun as this film is, and it's a blast, it is also very difficult to watch at times. I'm just saying, go into this flick ready for anything to happen because in the world that Mr. Fallon and Mr. Viel have created here even the kitchen sink is scared to come out of hiding. So we've got action, violence and lots of ass kicking, but Deaden also has some heart. Fallon shows his sensitive side in flashback sequences where Rane is remembering the good times he had with his wife. Plus his relationship with bad boy Kersey played brilliantly by Deke Richards puts a little bit of the buddy aesthetic that works so well in films like The Rookie, and Beverly Hills Cop into a what is sure to become a cult classic. The chemistry between Fallon and Richards is awesome, and when they weren't on the screen together I found myself waiting for my next fix of those two crazy guys in action. In Deaden the bad guys are bad, and the good guys are bad and the vengeance is served on a platter along with your balls. So do yourself a favor and let Deaden take you back to a time when action flicks ruled!
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