Interesting effort from Castellari
6 January 2007
NCIS's Mark Harmon headlines in this intriguing action outing brought to us by the prolific and ever dependable Enzo G. Castellari.

The story concerns a noble Tuareg chieftain who wages a one man war against an entire military force after they take prisoner a man who he had previously taken in as a guest (the said individual being traditionally also under the Tuareg's protection) As it happens, the seized man actually turns out to be the former leader of the country who has been illegally overthrown and who the people wish to return to power.

Well first off, I must say that it is admittedly very refreshing to see an Arabic hero in a Western film and the concerted attempt by the film makers to portray the cultural differences between the said protagonist and his enemy. Our hero is shown as a man of true honour, proud of his culture and steadfast to its traditions and yet blissfully ignorant of political developments immediately outside of his domain. Certainly this fact is best illustrated during the films surprising climax (which I won't spoil here!)

Unfortunately, it has to be said that as an action film this doesn't quite deliver enough of the requisite goods although I must concede that what action there is is very well handled, especially in one admittedly awesome sequence wherein our hero wipes out an entire garrison in a particularly explosive manner.

Final verdict: Certainly worth viewing but make no mistake, this is not the all out action extravaganza that many reviewers on the internet taut it to be.
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