Rocky Balboa (2006)
A wonderful ending to the ROCKY franchise
31 December 2006
Thirty years ago in 1976, America was celebrating its bicentennial, Jimmy Carter was elected president and ROCKY hit the screens starting a franchise in film. The character, Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone) started a series of "cheer the underdog" films. The Rocky-concept was re-created, sometimes better than others, in 1979, 1982, 1985, and in 1990.

Today at age 60,Stallone looks his age, arteries bulge from his chest even when he's relaxed. He looks like a tired father or grandpa. The years have taken its toll on this character but he uses all this to his advantage.

In this film, Rocky is depressed, his wife, Adrian died 4-years ago, and his son, has little to do with him because he "casts a big shadow." But Rocky is still highly respected in "Philly." Fans stop him on the streets to take photos with cell phones and everyone still calls him the champ. To keep busy, Balboa runs a small South Philly restaurant named after his wife.

Someone develops a computer-generated program matching long-retired Rocky Balboa pound-for-pound with the current, undefeated, undisputed heavyweight champ, Mason Dixon (Antonio Tarver). Dixon is mostly disliked in boxing circles but his camp feels he should hold an exhibition fight with Balboa for another multi-million dollar, Pay-Per-View payday.

You get the standard clichés and motivational speeches, which are all updated and very well done, but you also get many humorous one-liners from Rocky and the solid cast. With grace, skill and maturity, the veteran Stallone does a wonderful job writing, starring and directing this final episode. Anyone ages 40 and above will enjoy this film while being pleasantly surprised with the scorecards at the end of this contest.

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