The Last Farm (2004)
Intensely moving short with an ending which I'll never forget
30 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This short is a deliberately paced character study, following an older, clearly independent and very stubborn man as he shuts down his farm. His daughter has prevailed upon her parents to move into a retirement home, likely more because she thinks they should rather than because it's the best move for them. No doubt she means well, but good intentions are paving material. Because I can't talk about this without giving some details, even obliquely, consider this a spoiler warning:

The short opens with the old man, who says only what he has to (to call him "taciturn" is putting it mildly) finishing his meal as the phone rings. It's his daughter, checking on the planned trip to a retirement community her parents are making that weekend. Their farm is on an island and they are finally going to move from their home, go off the island into a home. The man's feelings are clear by his facial expressions and his reactions. He finishes talking to his daughter and goes about his day.

Quickly, it becomes clear with each task that something is going on. The man's activities are focused and he is intent on a purpose. I got the impression that this single-mindedness was second nature to the man. To fix on a goal and push through until it's completed would be standard behavior for this fellow and we watch him complete each task he has set for himself, mentally checking each off before moving to the next on on his list.

With each scene, as the short progresses, a comprehension of certain realities begins to dawn on the viewer, as pieces drop into place and you are slowly figuring out just precisely what the old man's plans are and the ending becomes clearer as the short slowly, methodically and inexorably reaches the climax.

This is a beautifully rendered and very well-crafted cinematic dagger and the director pushes it frame by frame into the viewer's brain. It is included on a compilation DVD which holds eight of the ten shorts nominated for the Academy Award in the Animated Short and Live-Action Short categories in 2005. The compilation is very good and it and this short are highly recommended.
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