Why all the negative comments?
29 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
OK, so maybe this isn't the best game of all time. It is still one of the greatest games in the Sega Genesis time period. So maybe the graphics suck. IT IS A SEGA GENESIS GAME, THEY ARE NOT TOP OF THE LINE PRODUCTS! You cannot expect them to produce all of those games with a top graphic rating. It was the early 90s when this game was published. Graphics from that time were great for that time period.

In this game, you first play as Spiderman, who is desperately fighting off energized thugs and super-villains. About 4 levels into the game, you can choose to fight as Venom. I would stay with Venom because he is the strongest. As you fight Shriek and Doppelganger, try to jump around a bit and then beat them up a little bit. The Rooftop 2 level is probably the hardest, unless you get a Spiderman coin (hidden in the tree above you). The easiest level is probably Prospect Park 1. This is the easiest because you know how to fight every thug. Just see which one pops up and use your strategy. In the two last fights with Carnage, I would stay with Spiderman first, and then when he dies off, pulverize Carnage with Venom.

This is a great game for the Spiderman game series. Give It a chance!
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