this movie is AWESOME
21 November 2006
this movie is AMAZING my best friend Katie and i have watched it probably 10 times in the past like 5 days (i know i know we are both named Katie and we are best friends.. its crazy... lets freak out!) anyway... we cant get enough of it... we quote it all the time, and watch it whenever we can.. i pretty much have the entire script memorized...and its GREAT! i love the parts when they are talking to Montana in rehab... both at the end and the beginning its so funny... "just a few more questions then i poke my finger up your butt and were all set." ... "all right" ... "that was a joke" ... "oh... you can if you need to..." hahahahahah! so funny! where do they come up with this stuff... and then how they always say the same thing to different people.. like the tiny classified ads parts! ITS SO FUNNY!

we also try and show it to as many people as we can... so far everyone we've shown it to has loved it... i mean how could anyone dislike it... its hilarious! i love it! it basically shows me how i'm gonna be in a few years... HILARIOUS
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