Happy Feet (2006)
17 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
My four children (ages 3-9) have been looking forward to seeing this movie for months! The trailers made us think it was a funny, happy-go-lucky film filled with dancing, music and maybe a lesson on accepting and embracing differences. We were very sorry to find out that in reality it was a platform for "teaching" children that humans are inherently selfish and cruel to animals and any religious undertones are without merit. It made no sense when the penguins communicate to the humans (or "aliens" as we are referred to in the movie) that they are a scared and gentle species, the humans suddenly turn to the UN who fix everything immediately and perfectly. The plot made such unexpected turns and implausible outcomes that my children and I left the theater confused, frustrated, and without happy feet. It was actually scary and depressing. I am angry that the trailers were used as a tool to trick people into coming to a movie that is nothing like it appears in the advertisements. I feel used and misled.
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