Crawlspace (1986)
CRAWLSPACE (David Schmoeller, 1986) *1/2
10 November 2006
This Italian-produced slasher flick is merely a cheap rehash of Michael Powell's PEEPING TOM (1960) with all its exploitation elements accentuated and psychological insights all but removed. The cast is very weak - Talia Balsam (Martin's daughter and George Clooney's ex-wife!!) is something of a novelty in that she is hardly attractive enough to be the leading lady for this kind of film - and it's only the sight of Klaus Kinski crawling from one apartment to the other to do his peeping - not to mention his limb-laden room where he keeps narrating the entries in his diary - that holds any interest at all for the viewer; some of the killings are grisly enough perhaps but nothing sufficiently memorable.
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