On the Buses (1971)
The Worst Film I Have Ever Seen
5 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
My family watched this film after receiving it as a present and the one person who liked it was my 8 year old cousin which tells you how bad it is.

One scene in the film shows a woman being blocked in and made to climb out of a bus window showing her underwear and burning her legs while the men laugh at her but the viewers are encouraged to view her as the villain. I have a friend who worked in a factory and was pawed, bullied and had her work deliberately disrupted by a minority of her male co-workers very much like the women in this film so to see this behaviour shown as acceptable and funny is pretty depressing and to see others call it harmless because there's no swearing is doubly depressing.

Some argue it's only a film and not to be taken seriously but I wonder if they'd feel the same if school bullying was being shown as good fun. Workplace harassment can seriously damage peoples lives and self-esteem so I don't think it's oversensitive to say that it shouldn't be glorified. It is not - as some other viewers have said - a film that everyone of its generation can enjoy as my parents and grandparents both hated it. Not because of the constant woman chasing - lots of shows have that - but because of the demonising of work women and the pantomime level humor.

I don't mind programmes like Till Death Us Do Part in which a character is bigoted but their attitudes are shown as wrong and I also don't like extreme political correctness partly because when there are cases like this and people comment on it others defend the sexism by complaining about "PC madness". Those who say that On the Buses wasn't bad because it was popular should remember that Baywatch was once the most popular programme in the world - though even Baywatch wasn't as embarrassingly awful as this. Some argue that if you don't like it don't watch it but you could say that about any negative film review and you don't find out you don't like it until you have seen it. I also notice that a few reviewers are quick to childishly insult anybody who disagrees with them. "SANDRASMALL (and she must be)"? Is that the best you could come up with?

But of course I'm just spouting a load of feminist rubbish because we all know women were treated much better when their were no laws protecting them from sexual harassment, no refuges for battered wives and a woman could be ostracised for leaving her husband even if he hit her which is what happened to my great aunt.

Anyway On the Buses is a painfully bad film which I don't recommend to anyone except die hard fans of the show and doesn't reflect what the majority of men, women or working class people are like.
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