Review of Deaden

Deaden (2006)
It's gonna hurt!
2 November 2006
I was lucky enough to see a representation of Deaden during a private screening. I was expecting a "balls to the wall" type of movie but to my surprise i was greeted to not only that but an actual character study. There are more than guns doing the talking in this flick. Fallon's performance was great, displaying a wide range of emotions. The chemistry between Raine and Kersey is very palpable and believable. Great balance between the action and the story. The movie moves at a fast pace and never overstays its welcome. The flick looks great: editing, filters, effects. Visually, it actually reminded me of Domino. You can feel the love and effort that was put to create this movie, behind and in front of the camera. Viel did an impressive job. I can only imagine what they would've done with a bigger budget. Props to all involved for providing us with such a movie. They are far in between nowadays.
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