Review of Borstal Boy

Borstal Boy (2000)
One of the worst movies I have EVER seen
28 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie apparently documents the story of a young Brendan Behan,who is sent to be a borstal boy,after it is discovered he is a terrorist. First,let me make it very clear:this movie does not document what really happened. 90 per cent of it was created by the writer,to liven up the story. The starring role was given to an American actor,who unfortunately portrayed Behan as a spastic with a speech impairment.Whether this was intentional I cannot say,but it certinatly adds a comic edge to the movie.

This movie has many unintentionally funny scenes.The screenplay appears to have been written by a one week old chimpanzee. One scene in particular that highlights this is when Behan and a group of friends attempt to escape. On their journey,they arrive at a beach.The first thing they decide to do is have a frolic in the sand,as all young men do when they arrive at a beach. But tragedy strikes,when two of his friends run over a land mine,and are killed. This scene is so badly directed,that it ends up being hilarious,as opposed to sad. This is one of the many scenes created by the script writer,to make the movie more Hollywood.

If you are looking for comedy,this movie may just be the one for you,however,if you want a true account of the life of Brendan Behan,go read his book,and avoid this movie at all costs.
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