Deaden (2006)
-This one goes for the throat !
25 October 2006
I had the opportunity to catch this one at a private screening last week. Finally a film that has not been over hyped and does not pretend to be anything else than what it is supposed be, violent B entertainment. I do not want to say much because this one holds a few surprises (you wont forget the opening sequence, actually that is if you can sit through it!!) but its premise is not overly complicated, here is all you need to now for now: A man seeks revenge against a crime syndicate responsible for the brutal murder of his wife.

Directed by Christian Viel (Evil Breed) and starring John Fallon (who also wrote it) Deaden is pretty straightforward. For about an hour and a half, you witness the main character endless descent into hell and self abuse in his search for vindication. Absolutely tongue and cheek, this movie, even if flawed at times, is not limited by its micro budget and still manages to entertain. You can see these guys had a blast making it. Fast paced, graphic and 100% politically incorrect, see it if you can. You know what they say, no guts no glory, well this one got both and heavy on the first!
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