Review of Cyborg

Cyborg (1989)
Post-apocalyptic martial arts movie with some Christian symbols
20 October 2006
This film may be interesting for those who like dark post-apocalypse, martial arts, 80s electronic soundtrack and some Christian allusions.

I've seen this movie before by God's grace I became a Christian. It was exciting and scary back then, somewhat similar to the depressing soviet movies of the late 80s with a creepy synthesized soundtrack about the rise of crime, breakdown of society, etc.

Right now it doesn't feel quite so good, because it enforces the idea of revenge and hate, though hidden under the pretense to save humanity.

A Christian must understand this, and instead should strive to follow Jesus' teaching to love our enemies, and leave the justice to God, as clarified by saint Paul:

"Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord." (Romans 12:19)

An interesting idea are the present Christian symbols - crosses, crucifixion, references to hell, a wonder of fast healing. It seems the original idea of the film was more about the battle of God's forces vs satanic forces, though later converted mostly to a sci-fi/martial arts B movie.
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