Good monster movie about weird things happening on Blood Island only falls down when we get a good look at the goofy monster. Still its worth a look
17 October 2006
This is the second of the Blood Island films after Terror is a Man. Its not related to that film, only loosely to the two films that follow, Mad Doctor of Blood Island and Beast of Blood. All the films are nominally set on a remote island in the Pacific where strange experiments happen.

Here a research team arrives at Blood Island to find that the natives have begun to return to their old superstitions. The reason is that the far off atomic testing has mutated some of the plants animals and people into killing machines. They have taken it so far that the natives sacrifice two virgins every night to the man beast that wanders the woods.

Edgy and atmospheric this is a monster movie in the grand tradition. You have weird things going on, sexual tension between the cast members, and monsters running amok, what more could you ask for? This movie was a drive-in staple for years and its easy to see why since it gives you everything that a drive-in crowd would want sex blood and breasts. Its also lots of run, creepy and just a bit scary.

The only place the movie falls down is the man beast. Its really silly. It looks like a drippy Michelin man with a stupid grin Until you get a really good long look at it towards the end of the movie it holds some ,ystery and fear, but once we see its face its all over. If you can get past that, knowing its gonna look dumb helps, you'll have a grand time with this movie. Lots of mindless fun.

7 out of 10

(FYI- This was the film picked by Cinematic Titanic, what Joel and friends are doing post MST3K, for their 2010 tour under the title Danger on Tiki Island)
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