Review of Corner Gas

Corner Gas (2004–2009)
"Corner Gas"
26 September 2006
This show is a rarity in Canadian television - it's good! Too much of Canadian programing is slow, dry and boring - and aside from NHL hockey, there is not much else worth watching. A few shows have made attempts at being clever comedies, but have always failed because Canadian programming always tends to alienate the main audience by becoming too political, historical or just plain arrogant (vis-a-vis the CBC and CRTC).

But this show has succeeded and, more importantly, is extremely entertaining because its focus isn't on some political agenda, but rather on the art of entertaining. Brent Butt has figured out the formula that has made this series a hilarious success - and I think I can identify what some of those criteria are.

1. It has great characters - And character development. Just like other successful comedies (Seinfeld, The Office, Cheers, etc.) quirky characters are fun to watch.

2. It has great writing - The stories seem to be about nothing - but even nothing is something!

3. It has excellent pacing - It does not slow down at all, and continues to improve its pacing as the seasons go by. The more jokes you can fit in to the half hour, the better.

4. It is not sentimental - If anything, most of the characters are less than sympathetic, and that type of darkness of the human psyche is far more appealing and funny when you are making a comedy about quirky people in a quirky little town.

5. There is NO winter!! - Have you seen any snow yet in Dog River? This is critical for a successful Canadian comedy - because snow complicates things. It is bleak, uninteresting, and unfortunately too much of a reminder of reality for those of us who have to live with it for 10 months out of the year. In fact, with out the snow - it makes this small town in Saskatchewan look quite charming, and all the more interesting and lovable.

Now these are just my opinions - but if you want to take a chance on a Canadian TV show - this should be the one. Canadians should be (and are - for the most part, I think) proud of this series. I, for one, try not to miss it each week, and I own all the DVD's too...its just a fun show to watch, and I would rank it up there as one of the best new comedies on TV right now.
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