Review of Dead Ringers

Dead Ringers (2002–2007)
love this show
10 September 2006
dead ringers, i started to watch it in the second season and i cant get enough of this show, the topical humour from tony Blair to the queen to Madonna and dido always knocks me for 6..and has me rolling on the floor dead ringers says what most people are thinking (well what i do anyway) i hope this show goes on for a long time, and i do hope that they bring more series to DVD i have series 1 but miss having the rest my particular favourite impressions are of Delia,the queen (QVC) and all the pop star ones (especially Madonna "the desperate tour") I'm not really a fan of the whole going out in the public and pretending to be Parkinson (but i let that slide as its a great show) watch this show, even once i have converted a lot of people to watching it, who know never miss it like it you WILL be surprised FACT!
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