Review of Robotix

Robotix (1990 Video)
5 September 2006
This is a great movie for the kids, with quite a deeply involving plot line but done in such a garish and immature way that it'll totally suck the little ones in and give them plenty for the imagination to work on.

The plot really isn't that important, but for summary it deals with the two warring tribes that humans are caught between on the remote planet on which they crashed. The tribes were long extinct aside from those who were lucky enough to be contained in stasis tubes for the three million year period after their planet was ravaged by a Nova star. Incarnated into giant machines by the planet's central computer system, the two tribes continued to war over ownership issues of said computer and thusly our human heroes are split into two factions respectively.

SO yeah, good film for the kids, would make an excellent live action movie!!¬
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