Review of Cl.One

Cl.One (2005)
Speak Up Sonny!
10 August 2006
Perhaps I could get over the generally poor quality of this movie's production standards if it hadn't been for the sound. But the Casio soundtrack is almost the only thing the audience can hear. It drowns out the dialog to the point that there is no chance of actually watching the entire DVD. Naturally there is no captioning either. Even if the sound had been edited properly the fact remains that this would be a D minus movie at best. It has the overall feel of a rejected Sci-Fi Channel Original. The pathetic computer generated graphics put the special in special effects. And I mean special in the Special Olympics sense of the word. They truly resemble the graphics from the original Play Station, yet we are intended to believe that they are footage of the transportation of the future. Again, poor effects can be forgiven, but the thin plot and sad attempt at social commentary cannot. If you can actually sit through the whole thing, you should have yourself checked. You may be a clone genetically engineered to survive the most heinous of tortures, really bad movies. Not even Joel, Crow and Tom Servo could make this one watchable.
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