Davey and Goliath (1960–2004)
How come WE all turned out O.K. being raised on this? We need MORE like this.....
31 July 2006
Here's a show that if produced today, would be dubbed "offensive", unrealistic, too preachy, too right wing, too religious, too Bible-thumping, not sensitive to the needs of non-Christians and atheists, too "whatever", and just "inappropriate" for today's generation and "out of sync" with today's world.


It's EXACTLY what this world needs, and right now.

How come if it's all those "bad" things, WE (people in our thirties) turned out OK after having watched it 500 times in our childhoods? Seems to me that kids who watched it today would turn out just as OK as we did! Maybe BETTER, because it would counter some of the nonsense and swill* that's on the tube today and polluting our children.

DAVEY & GOLIATH is pure fun. Pure innocence. With a lesson. Religious, yes, but not overly so.

We need more of this, and less of the GARBAGE that's on TV today.

What pleasant memories it brought back when I accidentally found it on Boston's Catholic TV station. I recall it as a kid, being on a local Boston station back in the 70s and early 80s; no WAY they would do that today on the public airwaves.....too "offensive", too "religious", etc. for the politically-correct types who make careers out of being offended at everything. If this was broadcast on anything except Catholic cable, someone would get "offended" and would sue the TV station. Yet this was standard Saturday and Sunday morning fare on local Boston TV well into the 1980s! How come none of US, or our parents, were offended?

Let me just say that they don't make 'em like this anymore, and I will make darn sure my kids get to watch it.

Enjoy. And get it for your kids. They'll be better adults when they grow up, if you do. And you (if you watched it as a kid), will get to be a kid again, 15 minutes at a time. It's worth it for that alone!

*Swill: noun: something suggestive of slop or garbage: REFUSE (from Merriam-Webster online)
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