Subtle film great acting
18 July 2006
I really enjoyed this film and think it deserved the Sundance Award.

I think its strength lies in telling a story about someone who is normally overlooked and considered uninteresting and unworthy of being the subject matter of a film. Supposedly from the outset we see Laura as the air-head wife that Alan, a successful and famous older husband, has presumably 'bought' in Russia. She fulfills all of the stereotypes associated with such a transactional affair - being younger, attractive and seemingly rather stupid and mute.

This would be the case if it wasn't for the subtleties of their married relationship and the feeling that although Laura's reasons for being with Alan are largely financial, there is a level of love between them that is real. She is ashamed of him when he openly philanders with other women and does care about him. There is the feeling that her love in the end is only being stifled by his refusal to treat her as an equal, not that this was necessarily the way that their love started out in the beginning.

Without this complexity it truly would be a rather bland story. Her drunken philandering is entirely understandable in this kind of scenario, and helps demonstrate her inner conflict, not only as a reaction to Alan's behavior but as a desire for her own satisfaction and freedom.

The conclusion of her coming to realize that she cannot carry on living a shell life, devoid of true love resulting from a partner's genuine respect for her in thought and deed, is a universal lesson on love brilliantly explored in this story.

In the end Laura comes across as the most morally sound and sympathetic of all of the characters, despite appearances. Great acting throughout. Great ironic dialog. Really great film in my book.
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