Dirty Deeds (2005)
Room Still Stinks from the Effluvia Emmited from this Turd
15 July 2006
The reviewers giving this movie decent or sublime reviews should be ashamed. They are trying to manipulate people. I usually only see that kind of garbage on download.com, but I guess marketing hacks are everywhere...

Watching this reminded me of rubber-necking at the seen of a car accident. Its sad and tragic to behold and you feel really bad for the people involved, but its hard to look away.

It's obvious this movie was sold and funded without anyone actually having read the script, if it even exists at the time. "Its porky's meets Amercian Pie meets Ferris Beuller...yeah that sounds sell-able, cut the check." The script is REALLY REALLY bad. It seems like the 'writers' weren't even trying. Giant plot holes, characters with zero humanity/depth, a complete lack humor, nothing novel/interesting, and perpetually cringe inducing dialog. They cant even get the clichéd character archetypes right.

Then there is the casting. I hate watching 30-somethings pretending to be teens (they don't 'act' like teens because these corpses cant act). Although, watching the lead struggle with his Bell's palsy (drooping mouth on one side of the face) is interesting. And speaking of droopy, there is 8 seconds of tit-tie shots in this movie.

The photography is just nasty. Ugly locations, p*ss-poor lighting, bad framing, inconsistent color palette, etc etc. The DoP should really hope no one notices his name or watches this on HD.

There are a couple of highlights on the DVD though. In the bonus features you get to see the actors lying through their teeth about how much they loved this project and you get to see Charles Durning explain why he took the role. "Why did I choose this role? Well, when I was younger I remember asking Henry Fonda how he chose his roles. He said 'I take whatever is offered and I don't ask questions'. Thats what I do." Hey, at least he is honest.

Anyway, the people who made this film should be unemployed. There are so many talented people and great projects desperately searching for funding its a travesty that this thing was give million(s) and found shelf space at my DVD shop.
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