in defense of this film
8 July 2006
Suicide King you must be one of those young ones sadly brought up under the miserable education system of Pinochet. Hollywood predictability of plot is not what Ruiz is interested in. Ruiz sated in that Hollywood have highly polished standardised formulaic scripts often using a one character developed around a central conflict which is then resolve frequently by force. I have not read the book but I understood the movie. Yes old Chilean movie - gee made under difficult conditions in 73 - remember? I lived in Santiago. Maybe you need to see few more of his films. .. "Tres Tigres Tristes" for example or "Three Crowns for the Sailor". AND I think its a bit inappropriate that you could refer to torture about your film given your countries history under Pinochet. ("if you are masochist, you'll torture yourself by watching this horrible adaptation of a good book.")
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