Great story!
19 June 2006
I have seen both of the Work and The Glory movies, and neither one disappointed! Even if you are not particularly interested in the Mormon church, this is a story from history; it is not meant to convert you, only to share the story. The events portrayed did happen, (call it a vision, call is a prophecy, call it too much to drink; this tells how it all started) and it is nice to get an insight into how this group began. It not only tells the story of Joseph Smith, but of those who followed him, and those who did not. There were parts that made me laugh and a few that made me cry. You become a part of the families portrayed feeling their joy as well as their pain. There is some violence which is probably where the PG-13 comes in, so I am not sure I would let the kids sit through this one--it may raise more questions than answers. This is one of those movies that draws you right in from the start and holds you till the very end. I was hooked after part one and now I am eagerly awaiting part 3!
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