Review of CQ

CQ (2001)
CQ (Roman Coppola, 2001) **1/2
17 June 2006
To cannibalize my own reference to it in the review I wrote for Mario Bava's DANGER: DIABOLIK (1968), this is "a homage to the European style of film-making circa 1970": while pretty interesting in itself (particularly its behind-the-scenes look at a lowbrow sci-fi picture), the film unwisely also tries to recapture the feel of an art-house flick by having its wannabe film-maker editor shoot an autobiographical film in cine-verite' style; however, this section is pretentious and fairly boring - as opposed to the charm and sheer nostalgia of the sci-fi/espionage ambiance!

The film has two sequences lifted directly from DANGER: DIABOLIK: the shower scene and the one where the leading lady is covered in bank notes; however, there's another obvious link to that film in the presence of its star John Phillip Law! That said, the sci-fi heroine (called Dragonfly and played by the stunning Angela Lindvall) here actually recalls the Jane Fonda of BARBARELLA (1968)!

It also boasts a number of larger-than-life characters (in fact, several established or up-and-coming stars of European cinema are featured) with a background of cinema, which at times is a bit much - as this threatens to turn the whole into a Felliniesque extravaganza! Still, it does have a major asset in Dean Tavoularis' stylish production design (particularly that for the invented sci-fi scenario).
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