Review of Begotten

Begotten (1989)
More "Experimental"/Arthouse Stuff That Just Ain't My Thing...
6 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
BEGOTTEN is another film that's really hard to form an opinion on. I'll admit that I don't particularly care very much for obscure "experimental" films - and this definitely falls into that category. The little bit that I've gathered from the film is from the end credits and production notes on the DVD.

God guts himself with a straight-razor, and Mother Earth uses his spooge to impregnate herself. Son Of Earth is born, and him and Mama-san roam around a desolate landscape until they are accosted by guys in robes that remind me of the Tuscan Raiders from STAR WARS. Those guys capture Son and Mother and do weird stuff to them, including hitting Mom in the cooch with sticks. That's about as much as I could make out of it...

I really try not to be obtuse when it comes to these sorts of films, but they are really a like or don't like type of thing. I appreciated the fact that the cinematography was very original and was obviously a labor-of-love from the director. The whole film is a very grainy black-and-white that enhances the overall "atmosphere" of the film. The sound-design is made up primarily of cricket-noises, low, rumbling thunder, heartbeat sounds, and some very muted "music" - also good at filling out the "aura" of the film. But again, I just didn't get it. I have to say that I do typically prefer films with a semi-coherent storyline, and BEGOTTEN is more of an "experience" than a film - just not necessarily a very good experience for me. Also it's FAR too long and could have been more effective had it been cut down to say, 30 minutes or so, and those that think they are going to get an art-house/splatter-film a la SUBCONSCIOUS CRUELTY will also be sadly disappointed. "Experimental" film lovers will probably get a boner for this one - me...not so much...6.5/10
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