Kermit's Swamp Years (2002 TV Movie)
Why is this movie Rated G?
31 May 2006
I bought this movie for my 2 and 3 year old because they've recently become interested in The Muppets and it barely held their attention... that is until there was a scene toward the end when there is apparently a scalpel fight between the Dr. Krassman and Kermit. They couldn't take their eyes off of it, and I couldn't believe mine! Jim Henson would be so disappointed. Why would a children's movie show a fight with scalpel? Yes, I know that no one was killed, but seriously... couldn't they have just let Kermit release the little guy from a cage or something? Does he have to wield a scalpel? My kids won't be watching this movie again, but now I'm waiting for them to start a sword fight with butter knives in the kitchen. Why was this movie given the rating of G instead of PG? Like I said, Jim Henson would be so disappointed at this. This was not his vision of a children's production.
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