Classic Comedy
17 May 2006
This is classic British comedy at its finest. Having watched it dozens of times over the years it was only the other day when I noticed the following gaff: Early in the film when Palfrey has been stitched up by Delauney at the restaurant he is outside with April when Delauney toots his wolf whistle horn on his 'new Belini 2.6' sports car. He stops and offers one of them a lift making the point that he can 'only give one of you a lift as its a two-seater'.

Later in the film when Palfrey fresh from the college of lifemanship is winding Delauney up by keeping him waiting outside his flat to take him to a return tennis match when Palfrey does get in Delauney's two seater Delauney clearly annoyed with Palfrey sternly remarks 'come on we are picking April up on the way' and after much ado on the roads when they get to April's, tired of waiting she has made her own way. Good job really as three in a two seater doesn't work.

Overall this is wonderful movie with great performances from all and as for the odd blunder well its hard cheese really!
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