Random complaints that could be towards any company ever started
9 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I'm sorry some people like to complain about low prices on pretty much every item (including price matching). Being on top probably bothers some, ie the old man who owned the hardware store. So what do they do, they complain. He didn't have a backup plan. Walmart more then likely had every item the hardware store carried, and then some. All at cheaper prices of course. In the process employing several hundred people of the area and creating heavy taxes for whatever jurisdiction it fell under. How do they do it, a little thing called mass production coupled with one of the best logistics systems in the world. They provided aid in Hurricane Katrina faster then FEMA. I like how the documentary glossed over all the good things Wal-Mart does. Next they the discussed the usual problems plaguing every company, internal complaints of pay, bias on account of race, gender, religion, etc for promotion consideration. Every company has these problems to an extend. Just recently Wal Mart send a personnel report to the media showing woman and minorities were in fact in correct proportions (in relation to the population) in management positions. They then discussed the squashing of union building that supposedly goes on. Unions are another argument. They then went into environmental infractions, that granted should of been taken care of that same day it was discovered but again every company performs some sort of EPA or OSHA violations every day. Wal-Mart's are glaring infractions because it happens to be the largest company in the world. They decided to take on foreign labor, and the appalling conditions workers live under. Every item you touch probably has foreign labor to manufacture all or part of it. Other countries have different labor laws, thats a political problem not a walmart problem. The stupidest argument against walmart was the crime in the parking lot. Yeah maybe they don't offer as good outside security as say a bank but they are trying to keep the price down. She could of just as likely been attacked in the local gas station or even as she was pulling into her driveway at home. Blame the criminal, the police department, the city, the state, the judicial system in general, but not walmart. Yet another lawsuit in this sue-happy country. Finally they closed with local communities blocking the building of Walmarts. Thats fine but they are blocking out jobs, tax money, and low prices. All so they can keep mom-and-pop stores on life support. It's not the 19th century any more the world is becoming more interconnected every day. I say let the efficient company in and make sure there's at least one competitor, Target. All and all a documentary that may contain a lot of facts but isolated incidences blown out of proportion.
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