Review of Imaginum

Imaginum (2005)
Exploring a new field
25 April 2006
Animation in Mexico is exploring a new field, and even more in the cinematographic part. A Mexican company named Anima Estudios supported by the FIDECINE (government support for Mexican productions) finally achieved a result and got to produce a second Mexican animated movie of this new animation era we are living in the country and with very good results.

Imaginum is a good try, with very funny jokes and Mexican references which had never really happened in a long animated movie. Besides, these same jokes were thought for kids and adults which is well received.

Continue making animated movies won't be an easy task, but Imaginum shows that it can be possible to do something and do it right. The movie is fun, has an interesting story, the voice acting is very well done, leading by Eugenio Derbez as Yxxxxx. Of course don't expect a Disney/Pixar/Dreamworks quality, but this is a great step to reach that kind of levels.
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