Thoughtcrimes (2003 TV Movie)
Its A Big Yes
21 April 2006
..As in, I was really surprised by how much I enjoyed this movie.

I chose to watch this movie solely based on my addiction to all things Joe Flanigan, its one of his better roles IMHO. I actually found myself enjoying it for reasons that had nothing to do with my Joe fetish. I'm in agreement with the previous comment made on this movie - it could have been a damn good TV series. What I liked about this was that Freya wasn't some X-Men type ass-kicking super babe, she was basically a normal girl who suddenly developed an an abnormal gift that threatened to destroy her life. It wasn't just glossed over with the typical "she's got powers & suddenly she can master it in a second" thing that you see on other movies or TV shows with telepathics. She actually struggles with it and starts learning how to focus it at first with difficulty. I thought Brendan Dean's first few scenes were funny - spitting up cough syrup all over himself and the repetitive humming of the Scooby Doo Theme song in the privacy of his own head (who knew that could be so annoying?! & really a guy of his age with Scooby Doo stuck in his head, its enough to make you worried). He definitely came across as not liking having to take a back seat to Freya in investigations especially without knowing why & watching him trying to figure it out was amusing. At times, Brendan's humour was rather similar to that of Joe's current TV role as Col. John Sheppard on Stargate Atlantis - perhaps those elements are something Joe brings to the roles himself rather than what is written in scripts. This movie is really good, the only bad thing in my opinion was it seemed to end just as it was getting to the best part of the story - Freya mastering her gift & using it. It should have been the start of a great TV series! I'd definitely recommend this movie whether you like Joe's work on not.
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