8.3 out of 10... 111 votes, go figure
13 April 2006
This show made me rather sick to my stomach.

"I felt the Spirit." 'Yeah, I felt it too." "Yeah... now let's make out!"

One would think, out of all the great stories shared in the Book of Mormon, that good ol' Kieth and the gang could've actually picked one of them to depict. But no, there's no smooching in the Book of Mormon. And it's inevitable -- the defamation of many Saints will in part be executed through the Hollywoodization of America. More power to 'em, I guess.

We don't need no history! (We don't need no history!) "Testaments" on DVD! (Testaments on DVD!) We don't need to read the book! (We don't need to read the book!) Saw this show and now we're hooked! (Saw this show and now we're hooked!)

OK enough cynicism. Let's be honest with ourselves and get back to the basics.
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