Review of Evelien

Evelien (2006– )
Superb acting on all sides
30 March 2006
This is a very well done show, with superb acting on all sides. Shot on recognizable locations in Amsterdam, it reflects (sub)urban North-Western European middle upper class very well: the Eastern European nanny, the gay couple with adopted Third World son, the Hilton hotel affair. etc. Van Kooten portrays the modern ditsy housewife very well, a Dutch Ally McBeal if you will (but far from a clone), with excellent stupefied expressions on her face when her perfect little life veers off-track once again. Worth mentioning are the two child actors, of which the older sister, Sterre Herstel, acts even slightly better than the great Olivier Tuinier (who seemed to have quit acting, not unlike Haley J. Osment), but doesn't have to carry a whole show of course. Naomi van Es isn't that great but adequate. She's promising however and should be able to get by on looks anyway in the future, if all else fails. Directing and script suit are a big help for those two, in any case. All in all, very nice dramady, perfect for the target demographic, women from 20 to 40.
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