What was the director thinking?!
2 March 2006
At the outset, let me make myself very clear on 2 issues. The Usual Suspects is my all time favorite movie and originality is a dying art in Bollywood.

Now for the real issue. What was the dimwit director of this dumbass movie thinking of when he thought he had "conceived the idea" to make a movie? Did he think ripping off a Hollywood masterpiece without any admission of guilt would endear himself to the viewing public? Or, even worse, did he have the audacity to think that no one in the viewing public would have the intellect to understand the original masterpiece? Maybe he made it for the "masses" and thought he was attempting something "different". However, the director must have forgotten that despite the waning excitement got out of foreign locales, the "masses" will rarely warm up to a movie shot entirely in the UK. The least he could've done was to have "Indianised" the entire movie in all ways. Then again, an escapist director would always find the easiest way out right?!

The only reason I have given this stinker of a movie the 2nd star is because instead of making me boil with anger it made me laugh out loud at the pathetic attempt in futility to create a movie!
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