Loose Cannons (1990)
Hackman's worst movie but still kind of funny
18 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
How could Gene Hackman be part of this project and still remain dignified throughout the entire movie? Dan Aykroyd has at least done much worse (remember Doctor Detroit) but we kind of expect Hackman to be above this kind of sleazy action/comedy. I guess he thought that he could do Eddie Murphy one better who was at that time the king of action comedy.

(Warning: Spoilers) The plot involving the Germans trying to make a Fourth Reich is very tired indeed and they are such an easy target. Check out what happens when Robert Prosky does his "best" Hitler imitation at the end of the movie and look at the screen behind him. Then remember his first scene he's in and it's exactly like you predicted but hoped it wouldn't turn out. I can remember seeing Prosky on Hill Street Blues where he was absolutely great and then seeing him here and saying: "What a tool!"

And let's not forget the human blimp Dom DeLuise. Maybe he was funny in the early part of his career but to see him wheeze his way through a part that is miscasting to the max makes you feel nauseous. Ronny Cox of Beverly Hills Cop fame tries a southern accent which makes him sound like a very bad imitation of Billy Bob Thornton.

The thing that is funny about this below average film is how many famous people who make perfect fools of themselves and Dan Aykroyd should feel kind of embarrassed to make schizophrenia look annoying instead of a disease. Like Roger Ebert has mentioned: "Any material can be funny if executed the right way." but this is definitely wrong.
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