10 February 2006
It's really nice having this collection around. Lynch's short films are important because they are a more potent and unabridged form of his style and work--he has a lot more freedom with the form, and thus can do basically whatever comes to mind, versus making things feature length which also means making them feature-like.

Some are better than others. Some are wildly out there. Overall they're great fun to show to friends for that whole, "What the--?" value when they're unfamiliar with who you're presenting, and anybody who is familiar with the material will enjoy it anyway.

I don't know where I stand on Lynch's introductions, though. On one hand, it's nice to have a back story so that the viewer knows not only what he's watching, but how it came to be and thus, to a degree, what it means. However, some of it gets pretty tedious. I relate to a lot of Lynch's emotions when he describes the processes and events that got him into film, but still, I'd rather just get to the film. The DVD this comes with has the nice ability to go right to the films from the menues, but there's no "play all without introduction" so that can be tedious too.

But overall, definitely worth the time and effort to find and watch this.

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