God Bless the Child (1988 TV Movie)
Realistic portrayal of poverty in America
19 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Though the film is almost two decades old, it has not lost any of its bite: a riveting look at what it's really like to be poor in America. Mare Winningham plays a mother, struggling with constant unemployment, displaced lodging, and raising a precocious daughter (excellently played by Grace Johnston). Winningham, one of Hollywood's best (and underused) talents, displays a wonderful balance of pathos, determination, and warmth in a part that was deserving of an Emmy. A cut-above the average TV-movie, "God Bless the Child" is never condescending and really tugs at the heartstrings in its depiction of a single mother dealing with a system that appears to work against her.

The tear-inducing ending will remain with the viewer long after the film's credits have rolled.

The events of the recent past surrounding the treatment of victims of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita indicate that America needs to reassess how she sees her poor and downtrodden.

This film is a "must-see" for all!
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