Review of Mickey

Mickey (2004)
15 January 2006
One review said, "While not a thriller like other John Grisham books...". My husband and I beg to differ! The tension in Mickey at times was almost unbearable. The characters are likable, but yet they cheat. Each victory in LL increases their chance of exposure... but yet you want Mickey's team to keep winning. The "bad" guys are the hated IRS, but yet... OK there's no way in h*** that you WANT the IRS to catch them, but Tripp DID hide assets. You really sense the dad's fear of being caught fighting against his desire to let his son show his spectacular skills.

It's one of the most unpredictable movies I've seen in a long time. It's nice to be fooled once and awhile.

The acting was good. I'm thinking of writing a football screenplay and my brother said "Don't get actors and try to teach them football. Get football players that can act." And that's exactly what J.G. says they did when casting the ballplayers in MIckey. I think they did an excellent job!
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