Cry Wolf (2005)
Surprisingly good **CONTAINS SPOILERS**
25 December 2005

I did not expect much from Cry_Wolf. It pretty much disappeared from theatres a week after its North American release, the pretty-boy-of-the-week cast did not exactly inspire, and there has not been a decent slasher movie since... well, I would say since Anatomie. However, there is always a chance to be pleasantly surprised by a film, which is what I got after seeing this slasher.

I would describe Cry_Wolf as a cross between Gossip and Urban Legend, with some original twists and turns thrown into the mix. The idea of a lie turning into truth is always a good premise for a horror film, and this film exploits its full potential. The fact that I absolutely love horror films that take place in a fancy school such as Westlake Prep only added to my enjoyment; an idyllic setting is perfect for this genre precisely because of the intrusive nature of extraordinary and terrifying events. Here the killer is frightening, their motives are dark and their secret is sinister. The ending is excellent and unexpected. I do not think the film would have been the same with a happy, neatly wrapped denouement.

Overall, a fun little slasher, with decent acting and a good story.

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