The most real fight picture ever made besides Raging Bull
9 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers

This film is a masterpiece which depicted the seamy side of low level boxing at St. Nichols or "St. Nicks" Arena in Brooklyn, NY. The old Stillman Gym shots show just how few ever made any money or fame before being destroyed by too many punches to the head. Jackie Gleason personified the low rent scum that rode any fighter to death. Rivera was so hopelessly trapped that Anthony Quinn caught the essence of the man and his slow descent into being a meal ticket for Gleason and a bad joke in the wrestling game. Harris was brilliant as the NY Social Worker and idealist. She caught the last glimmer of hope in Rivera and tried to help but was defeated when he turned out to be hopelessly owned by Gleason. Rooney was brilliant but I preferred Myron McCormick in the TV film a few years earlier. Having been to St. Knicks as a kid, I know the realness of this story because I saw them, smelled them and felt for some of the dying, which is what most of them were doing. All the stars in the world for this one.
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